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Creditreform Rating AG

As a leading European rating agency, Creditreform Rating offers reliable assessments of credit risks with ratings. We provide asset-based finance ratings for a wide range of asset classes (private debt / equity, infrastructure, real estate / property, renewables, logistics and aviation), structured finance ratings, bank ratings, corporate ratings and sovereign ratings. As an ESMA-registered rating agency with ECAI-status and an EBA- and EIOPA-Mapping, Creditreform’s ratings can be used for regulatory purposes by institutional investors (Solvency II, CRR, German Investment Ordinance – Anlageverordnung). Creditreform Rating’s structured finance ratings are highly respected in the market and range from traditional securitization structures to new developments within the structured finance markets. We offer our clients ratings in the following areas: Auto ABS, Consumer ABS, Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS), Residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS), Credit-linked notes (CLN), Small and medium-sized enterprises collateralized loan obligation (SME CLO), Credit Cards ABS Securitizations. In addition to external credit ratings, Creditreform Rating offers ESG ratings. Creditreform's ESG rating builds upon our long-standing credit rating expertise. It provides a comprehensive and objective assessment of the sustainability efforts and action plans of companies, banks and financial service providers.
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