Anne Schaedle
Anne Schaedle is Head of Unit for Policy definition and coordination in the European Commission's Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (DG FISMA) since 2021. Her unit is in charge of coordinating strategic reflections in DG FISMA, such as the preparation of the new mandate, but also specific files like the upcoming review of the securitisation framework, and the review of the EU architecture for financial supervision.
Anne joined the European Commission in 2008. From 2008-2014 she worked in the Directorate-General for Competition on merger cases and policy. In 2015 she joined DG FISMA, working first on the crisis management framework, Banking Union, and bank resolution files. From 2016 -2020 she was policy assistant to the Director General.
Anne started her professional career in the private sector as lawyer in commercial law firms in Munich and Brussels.
Anne holds law degree and a PhD in law from University of Augsburg (Germany) and a Master degree in Financial Regulation (MSc) from London School of Economics, UK.